Sunday, June 28, 2009

i made a new banner today...

with the great help of digitalexpressions (please visit her shop at ).

that, and reworking the layout of my shop, has been the bulk of my activity today. other, of course, than creating.

more later!


Saturday, June 27, 2009

greetings and welcome!

i have decided to set up a new blog for my artistic pursuits. i felt like using my succulentdiva blog as a life blog AND an art blog left me sharing way too much of my personal much that potential customers would be turned off.

that said, a little introduction is in order...

i'm a 34-year-old currently home-employed mom. i have two home-based businesses; a mary kay business which is currently all but nonoperational, and an etsy store, which this blog is going to tell you a lot about.

i started my etsy store by crocheting small things that i could make many of quickly to list an item a day and keep my store at the top.

but then i posted in an etsy forum, in a thread about what people would buy from the shop of the previous poster, and over and over again, people said they would buy this totebag i made.

that got me thinking. i wanted my focus to be on handbags and totes anyway. might as well go in whole hog.

so i'm writing a new blog.

i am in the process of revamping my bio on my etsy site.

and i'm working on a new banner and avatar.

i'm about to de-list everything that's not a purse, tote, or handbag, which leaves me with that one totebag. that panics me a little because mary kay ash always said, "you can't sell from an empty wagon."

but we'll see how it goes...

more later cuz i'm tired and have to be up in 7h 15m.
